Avelino Mena and Andrea Vasquez are responsible for the amazing juicy microlots they create with great effort. Thanks to them, their two children have been growing a love for coffee since childhood.
Santuario, Risaralda, Vereda La Linda
Los Guaduales
1.800 m.n.m.
1.2 ha
Caturra, Castillo, Maracaturra, Pink Bourbon
Avelino inherited the farm from his father. Thanks to this, he fulfilled a great dream of providing for his family. This story of his whole family coming true takes place on one hectare of land.
Avelino started working as a coffee farmer at the same time that the Asocafe Tatama association was born, of which he and Avelino are co-founders. This beautiful combination of the association and the arrival of Avelino allowed the creation of super coffees with innovative processes.
By focusing on extended or double fermentations, the Mena Vasquez family has become a leading producer in the Tatamá association, setting the standardized processes in this association.
This washed coffee of the Castillo variety, produced by the Mena Vasquez family, is characterized by fruity notes that are the result of a double fermentation, first for 24 hours in cherries. And then the coffee was fermented for another 250 hours in the pulp.